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Affiliate Programs are used by online businesses to increase brand awerness, lead generation and sales. Some of internets early pioneers like Jeff Bezoz understood that an affiliate program is an integral part to achive success in online commerce. Today Amazon is one of the biggest online retailers and they have achived that level of success not only by providing stellar service, but also with the help of their affiliates participating in one of the longest running affiliate programs internet has yet to see.

An Affiliate Program consist of three parties, the seller, the affiliate (publisher/marketer) and the buyer. The seller is the creator of the affiliate program and facillitates tools for tracking and distrubution of earnings. The affiliate is the person directing the user to the sellers product with the help of guidence and marketing techniques. The buyer is the person that is a potential customer.

Affiliate Programs are not to be confused with Affiliate Networks, wher a fourth party is introduced to faccilitate the program aspect for sellers.

How Can I Find the Right Affiliate Program?

FellowAffiliate was built just for this purpose, to help you find the right afffiliate program. In a world filled with affiliate marketing gurus overselling you with empty promises on how to make millions online. A more solid way to find and compare companies to affiliate with needed to exist.

At FellowAffilite we base our rankings soley on user ratings and reviews provided by fellow affiliates. Combining that with common parameters to filter and sort by, you can easily find an affiliate program that meets your qriteria.

With the purple filter dropdowns found on the left side (on-top if you browsing from a mobile device) you can filter and narrow down your search to find an affiliate program that suits you. On top of that you can further narrow down your search by sorting or filtering by title if necessary. The filter consist of four main paramters.

πŸ—ƒοΈ Vertical

Vertical which indicates what industry/scope the program fall under.

🎯 Pricing

Indicates what model the affilate program use to base its commission on. some common are Revenue Share, CPA, CPS and CPL.

πŸ’³ Payment Option

filter lets you find affiliate programs based on what payment method they provide.

πŸ“… Payment Schedule

Indicates the affiliate programs avalible payment options for earning payouts.

Other Indicators

πŸͺ This little cookie indicates the affiliate programs cookie duration (in days).

πŸ’΅ The bundle of cash indicates the base commission by percentage or the base commission by a static ammount.

πŸ’° The bag of cash indicates the minimum payout ammount you need to reach before earnings will be sent out.

⛰️ indicate what tier structure the affiliate program use, single-tier, two-tier and multi-tires are avalible.